After the utterly ridiculous rumor that Fox was canceling Dragonball hit the webs a source at Superheroflix says hell to the no! It aint so. Here is what the site has to say:
The film was completed a while ago, and the reasons for moving the film’s release date from this summer to next spring was to insure that all of the needed special effects were completed. We have a source that is very close to the film. And he/she says that the first edit is done, and that it has been shown to those “higher ups” at Fox. And that they love the finished film. Our studio contact, who we aren’t allowed to name at the moment, worked on the production, and has seen the completed movie. Everyone involved seems to think they have a hit on their hands, and he even went on to say that it was “pretty darn awesome. There is certainly talk about a sequel. I have no doubt that it will happen. I’m sure that it will be a trilogy.”
No real surprise there. But it’s great to see that the studio is excited about the project.